phone: 478-746-4371
SPECIFICATION/DESIGN- Let one of our professionals design a system that meets your requirements with the most up-to-date equipment and knowledge of all applicable codes and regulations.
CONSTRUCTION- Whether you're upgrading, dismantling, relocating, or installing new equipment, no job is too large or small.
MAINTENANCE- Because Equipment is prone to failure due to age or usage, we can repair or replace to keep your propane system ready to go when needed.
SYSTEM SAFETY INSPECTION- Our service technicians will do a complete safety checklist on your propane system and provide you with a written report on the system.
OPERATOR TRAINING- Qualified service technicians will train new or provide refresher courses for your personnel, from start-up to shutdown procedures.
EMERGENCY SERVICE- We are available for you when you need us most. 24/7
PRE-SEASON SERVICE- Because of "peak load times" we offer a preseason service
to have your system ready when needed. This service consists of cleaning and
testing the vaporizer and blender function, setting the specific gravity of the mixed
gas and a safety inspection of the propane system.
ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT- We will make two scheduled visits annually
to service your propane vaporizer and mixer equipment to assure that the equipment
is ready when needed. We can also customize the schedule to fit your needs.
EQUIPMENT RECONDITIONED/ REBUILT- We carry a large inventory of reconditioned
and rebuilt equipment.
PRODUCTS- Tanks, Vaporizers, Propane/Air Blenders, Pumps, Piping, Valves and
Fittings, Rail-Unloading Towers, Load-Unload Bulkheads, Methanol Injectors and
Specialty Items.